Welcome to the PSO Lounge!
Please follow PSO's Code of Conduct at all times, including:
Members are to treat each other in a respectful manner
Verbal abuse, physical abuse or sexual harassment will not be tolerated in the drop-in or at any PSO event
Information about PSO members, including who attends PSO and any information they have shared, is to be kept confidential and should not bespoken of outside of PSO. This includes, but is not limited to, naming individuals, sharing their circumstances or their images online
Members will refrain from asking other members for money or cigarettes
No person or group is to be put down on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, language, race or religion
If you wish to see everyone in the lounge, click 'Gallery View' at the top right hand corner of your screen
If you wish to use a smaller chat room, message a staff person