All participants are asked to be mindful of the following things:
Respect confidentiality. Due to the virtual nature of these groups, we cannot promise confidentiality or privacy. We ask that you share from your own experience and respect the confidentiality of others. However, we cannot control who sees and hears each screen, so keep that in mind and share as you would in a semi-public area where you don’t know who is listening. Please do not record the groups.
Treat everyone (including yourself) with unconditional high regard and respect.
Continue to do what you need to do to support yourself, including taking a break when needed.
Remember what makes peer support great: Sharing from our own experiences and responding with empathy rather than judgement or advice.
Refrain from language that may be considered discriminatory.
Keep microphones on mute, if possible, when someone else is sharing. The facilitators may mute your mic if external noise is making it difficult to hear someone else.
Use the “Raise Hand” function in Zoom or raise your hand on the screen so that the facilitators can see you want to ask a question or share something.
On the phone, please say “Hello this is _____ (your name)” and one of the facilitators will acknowledge you and let you know when it's your turn to share.
See you in the group!